作者:管理员    发布于:2020-05-12 09:11:06    文字:【】【】【


 cl. 8.2.1 Continuous charging at constant voltage

 cl. 8.2.2 Moulded case stress at high ambient temperature (battery)

 cl. 8.2.2A Vibration

 cl. 8.2.2B Temperature cycling

 cl. 8.3.1 External short circuit (cell)

 cl. 8.3.2 External short circuit (battery)

 cl. 8.3.3 Free fall

 cl. 8.3.4 Thermal abuse (cells)

 cl. 8.3.5 Crush (cells)

 cl. 8.3.6 Over-charging (battery)

 cl. 8.3.6A Over-charging (cells)

 cl. 8.3.7 Forced discharge (cells)

 cl. 8.3.8 Forced internal short circuit (cells)

 cl. 8.3.8A Mechanical shock (crash hazard)

 cl. 8.3.8B Low pressure

 cl. 8.3.8C Cell protection against a high charging rate

 cl. 8.3.8D Free fall of appliance

 cl. 8.3.8E Function of the overcharge protection of batteries


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